Thursday, May 8, 2008

又出手了 **嘻**

昨天出手($0.76 x 2), 想想是太过的冲动了~ :p

因为一直的有追看shi fu sam的连续剧,所以也懂他们在focus这支股。 那时留意时,他跌到0.70-0.71 。。。 心想,如果现在进,肯定比师傅便宜。。。。 但却不敢。因为根本没有去看懂那是什么样的股。



这支0.76冲动是因为什么都不懂。。。。。不懂它的PE, EPS, REVANUE... ETC 就这样敢敢的冲进去。。。。想想,还真可怕。。。。下次不可以这样了。

自己暂时的TP是在0.95卖一张。 (SHI FU mentioned that this Hxxxx is for short term, which is within 6 months period) (0.95 will be 20% margin)

But shi fu and the gangs mentioned also that the price will hit more than $1!!

So how har???!!! will stick to it and see how it goes ~ And of course, i will dig the data of Hxxxx to ease my 冲动... ;p

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